iPhones NewsIn this pickup battle of dress shirts and ties vs. skins, the advantage definitely goes to the former.
A video that's making its rounds all over the internet shows two unassuming guys wearing outfits similar to how Mormon missionaries dress surprising their competition and onlookers with their serious game.
The two men, possibly Mormons on their mission, brick a few warm-up jumpers before the game gets started, then proceed to throw down two dunks that have their opponents and onlookers going crazy.
Warning: this is streetball, so there's some NSFW language in here.
Gawker notes that he Missionary Handbook ( PDF) allows for basketball as one of the few sports they can play, as long as missionaries "not allow the situation to become intense or competitive," and play only on a half court. These guys are definitely toeing the line with the "intense" part, if they are indeed missionaries.

Hat tip to Devour on the video.
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